
I told you there're small animals all around the place...I can't even get rid of the spider in the title.!!!...you think one day she 'll fall in the cup ?
she went last night...
the spider's back...will she fall in the cup...


I love medlars, they look ever so cute...that one measures about 3.5 cm...I found some on the market, two weeks ago...now they are ripe I can make jelly...Here are a few details found on the web if you don't know them...

"Medlar fruits are unusual both in appearance and in their ripening habits. They are very hard and inedible until they start to decay. They will rarely reach this stage by themselves on the tree and need to be harvested as late as possible in November . They should be left in a box in a cool dry place until they turn a dark reddish brown and become soft and juicy. This ripening process is known as "bletting" the medlars. "

Medlar Jelly
- 1lb medlars- ¼ pint water- sugar- juice ½ lemon
Simmer fruit and water until soft. Strain through a jelly bag.Measure juice, allow 1lb sugar to 1pint juice. Stir in sugar and lemon juice. Boil rapidly until set.With such a small quantity you won't waste much if you don't like it.

1 comment:

Rowan said...

Medlars are very ancient fruits, I've seen them growing on trees in very old gardens but have never tasted medlar jelly - have never seen them for sale anywhere unfortunately.