
I told you there're small animals all around the place...I can't even get rid of the spider in the title.!!!...you think one day she 'll fall in the cup ?
she went last night...
the spider's back...will she fall in the cup...

the week-end jam

I bought a new basin to make jam, isn't it nice...that's not the photo, my camera isn't working, but quite similar...

so here's the recipe:

1 kg apricots
500g oranges
1kg white sugar, 500gr brown sugar
spices: 2 tea-spoons of cinnamon, 1 of ginger, 1 clove, 5 cm of liquorice stick...
you add the powdered spices at the end the liquorice and the clove at the beginning (put the clove in a small orange)

cut the apricots in halves, slice the oranges very thinly and take off the seeds.
put the sugar in the basin and add a large glass of strong chinese tea...
let it start boiling
put the fruits, let boil gently for about an hour, put in jars
you can add a few raisins...


Rowan said...

This sounds delicious, I love spicy things.

Breezy said...

Now I wish I had read this before I used all my apricots Oh well next year