
I told you there're small animals all around the place...I can't even get rid of the spider in the title.!!!...you think one day she 'll fall in the cup ?
she went last night...
the spider's back...will she fall in the cup...

Walnuts wines

Walnut wines

First recipe, with the green walnuts

Ingredients - Step One
40 green walnuts2.5 grams (0.1 oz) of cinnamon shells1 vanilla bean2 gentian pods1 liter (1.8 pints) of brandy (nearly 65° alcohol)

Ingredients - Step Two
5 liters (9 pints) of Algerian wine at 13° (i.e. Mascarat)1 kg (2.20 pounds) of sugar2.5 grams (0.1 oz) cloves

Step One: Cut the nuts in little bits. Put them in a glass demijohn. Add the cinnamon shells, the vanilla and gentian pods. Add one liter of brandy and leave tosoak for 40 days.

Step Two: Then, filter the mixture (not on new moon period), add 5 liters of red wine at 13°, 1kg of sugar and 2.5gr of cloves (to taste). Let it mature for 40 days.

Second recipe, with the leaves

400 grams (14 oz) of walnut leaves½ liter (0.9 pint) of brandy2 liters (3.52 pints) of red wine200 grams (7 oz) of caster sugar
Gather the leaves at the end on June (take only sound leaves, without black marks) and let them dry some days. Squash them with the hands, put them in a 3 liters glass demijohn and add all the ingredients. Cork the bottle and let rest it for at least 2 months. Stir it from time to time. Filter the mixture and put it in bottles.
It's so nice to have a glass of these wines, when the clouds are grey, the wind blowing outside.
Nice music or a good book to match...A perfect evening...

1 comment:

Leslie Shelor said...

Sounds wonderful! A recipe for patience, too!