
I told you there're small animals all around the place...I can't even get rid of the spider in the title.!!!...you think one day she 'll fall in the cup ?
she went last night...
the spider's back...will she fall in the cup...

readers'corner: special post

Very dear Mrs Gattina
We were very happy this morning to receive your mail, and thank you for being so interested in our work. As this blog is also a very educative one we must give our readers some more explanations.
In the previous posts we forgot to say in what place the apples were peeled, you asked if we did it in the tree, very important question...
In fact, not exactly , our apples don't need peeling they peel themselves when falling from the tree, they are very well educated...You notice the apple tree is a very special one, with flowers, fruits and leaves all year round...It's called "Alexiabeille-apple-tree" and you only find them in our country...If you wish to get one may be we could send a small tree through our special mail...I took the underneath photo yesterday , I understand why there's a beautiful cat visiting...But would you be kind enough to tell your cat , next time he could give us a hand? He was not the last one to lick the bassin...
Yours faithfully

1 comment:

Gattina said...

Thanks for your offer to send me a small tree per mail. I am afraid that it wouldn't fit in my mail box and besides that, appels have the courious tendency to always bump on my head !
For that matter I prefer to eat already made apple jam where I just have to open the pot dip my spoon in and drop the jam on my bread slice.
Yours truly,